Always RepresentED.

“An equitable space for Students, Colleges, and Universities.”

What We Do.

Our goal is to maximize students' opportunities and outcomes by providing a space where first-generation students and students from marginalized communities can discover a college or university that represents them in their fullness.

Why We Do It.

“Only 22% of students from low-income communities earn a postsecondary degree (bachelor’s and/or associate), compared to 67% of their peers from high-income areas..”


“There is a 16% gap in immediate college enrollment rates between high and low-income students. These disparities contribute to the racial wealth gap.

“33% of first-generation students leave college within three years of starting due to culture fit and Inequitable Access to Resources”.”


“Statistics show that companies with above-average racial and gender diversity and inclusiveness have higher levels of employee engagement and outperform companies with below-average diversity and engagement by 46%-58%, this is also true for higher education institutions.”

Partnership Announcement

It is with great pleasure that we announce our partnership with Richmond Public Schools and Jarvis Christian University!

Get in touch.

We'd love to hear from you and answer any and all questions about Always RepresentED!